
VectorNotes for iPad

VectorNotes is a native note-taking and sketching app with full iCloud and Apple Pencil support. VectorNotes was developed exclusively for your iPad!

VectorNotes screenshot
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Bootstrap Themes

Save your Tools

You can save an infinite number of tool types, colors and variations and access them with quick access.

Bootstrap Themes

Familiar File System

VectorNotes uses a file format specially developed for the app, which allows you to use the standard Files app and sync all documents via iCloud. VectorNotes allows you to create and share notes and sketches in device format.

Since VectorNotes uses the standard file system, the app opens in the Files app and offers you the same options as the Files app. Creating folders and subfolders, sharing and renaming, duplicating and copying documents is therefore not a problem.

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Don't worry, the app will never switch to the subscription model. With VectorNotes, we are sending a clear signal against subscription models.

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